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Data to be seen, an art

Données à voir, Nanterre

Ali Tnani and Lukas Truniger : Cracking Data Machine

Data (big) are a more and more inspiring topic for digital (or not) artists. It is shown in Nanterre (Ile-de-France) from Oct. 7 to Dec. 23 at La Terrasse. Read the presentation by Thierry Fournier, curator of the show with Sandrine Moreau. And the press release (PDF)

A very coherent show about data. Some of the works presented are properly digital art (Elahi, Tnani&Truniger), but all of them are expression of artist feeling and creativity about data. Several boooks about the topic were also in show.

The works

> A Planetary Order (2009), by Martin John Callanan. A plaster model or earth with altitudes corresponding to the clouds. And Text Friends (2007 - 2016), Prints showing curves from Google traffic.
> Chant Yei (2012) by Marie-Pierre Duquoc. A series of scarfs (Hermes formats) printed with a combination of icons.
> Tracking Transcience (2003 and after) by Hassan M. Elahi. A website showing changing pictures.
> Sketch for World map Part I, (American Pacific). (1972) and other works by Oyvind Fahström. Hand made paintings.
> Prison Maps (2014) by Ashley Hunt. Drawings, we could say somthing like tex mandalas.
> Teamwork (2013-2015) by Philippe Mairesse. Hand drawing/writing.
> Indian Springs St. Bank (1994C) by Mark Lombardi. Graph drawings.
> Present Time Atlas (2000-2016), by Claire Malrieux. Drawings with some paint.
> In search of economie miracle (2006-2009) by Julien Prévieux. Drawings
> History of Science Fiction v.1 (2010-2011) by Ward Shelley. Drawing and color.
> Cracking Data Machine (2014) by Ali Tnani and Lukas Truniger. A connected (Wifi) machine transforming data into sounds, with a grotesque mounting of paper and parts of a printer.
> Data Trails (2014-2016), by Ali Tnani. Writing series of words on a screen along graphic patterns.