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L'art Génératif. Links and complements to the book text

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1.7. The 1950's

Life and machine, a same dynamics

1.7.1. Mathematics, biology, cybernetics

Lacan extends cybernetics to psycho-analysis. See notably [Johnston].

Some quotations from Teilhard de Chardin.
On the origins of computers : DYSON George : Turing's Cathedral. The origins of digital universe. Pantheon 2012.

1.7.2. Generative art is borne

- Bull
- William Burroughs
- Max Bense
- G. Nees
- Vera Molnar
- Tinguely
- Desmond Henry
- John Whitney (omitted in the book) , as indicated by Jean Segura, who has put online a substantial biography completed by an interview.
- Ben Laposky
- Eduardo Macentyre
- Miguel Angel Vidal
- Georges Vantongerloo
- Baudes Gorlero. Quoted by Answers.
- Ignacio Pirovano. No information about him.
- Spirograph. Wikipedia.
- Meccanographe
- Harmonograph
- Walt Disney
- Fishinger
- Morellet
- Schoeffer
- John Cage