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Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves : Etalon Lumière

N. Marino : Interferences

Opening on saturday January 28. Exposition until saturday February 25, 2017. Gallery N. Marino.

Stars are not visible to the naked eye when the Sun shines; optical telescopes sense waves radiofrequences. Then the Universe electromagnetic spectrum can be observed. With this event, we open our gates to Science, and present works where scientific and technologic research are key words for exploration.


« Etalon Lumière » by Félicie D’Estienne D’Orves : This series re-introduces the concept of cosmic time related to natural rythmes as a refrence system. .
Pascal Dombis : Post-Digital Mirror

« Post-Digital Mirroir » by Pascal Dombis : « … New technologies, used in Art, create fractals, rhizomes and moves of an in the image. We transited from the abyme facets reality typical of mirrors into an images manifold epiderm. ( On est donc passé des facettes d’un réel en abîme propre aux miroirs, à un «épiderme» feuilleté d’images..." )



PAS Algoristes

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