Qi Jye Interaction,
> Pu Gong Ying Tu (2013). > Pu Gong Ying Tu (2013)
by Jie Qi. A sensor detects a presence and
LEDs light up. Two pages and illustrations in [Bost-Crosetto].
Quaranta Domenico.
Art critic and curator. A founder of Link Art
Center, in Brescia.
< Beyond New Media Art. Link Editions, Brescia, Italy, 2013.
Free online (PDF).
Original, in Italian, 2010. (Indicated by Valentina Peri).
< Media, New Media, Postmedia. 2010. Postmedia Books.

Les Quarkx. First French serials in 3D HD, by Maurice Benayoun
Les Quarkxs.
> Les Quarks (1990). Page Paris ACM Siggraph.
>Quatro (1983) Advertisement film. Page Paris ACM Siggraph.
Quayola. " a visual artist who investigates dialogues and the unpredictable collisions,
tensions and equilibriums between the real and artificial, the figurative and abstract, the old and
new. His work explores photography, geometry, time-based digital sculptures and immersive
audiovisual installations and performances."
> Pleasant places (2015C). Evolving from photography to abstraction.
> Topologies (2011). A note in Random Magazine.
> Strata #1 (2008)
Quéau Philippe.
< La planète des esprits, for a cyberspace politics , Odile
Jacob 2000. AH No 65 (actu).
Le virtuel, vertus et vertiges. Champ Vallon, Paris 1993.
Metaxu, théorie de l'art intermédiaire. Champ Vallon,
Paris 1989.
Eloge de la simulation. Champ Vallon/INA, Paris 1986.
> Maison Vole (1983).
Film by André Martin et Philippe Quéau, produced by INA and Sogitec as a trailer for Imagina 1983. Paris ACM Siggraph page. Video of the film.
Quéloz Emmanuelle. [Jouable].
Quemener Irwin. His company Clone Production. Architect. "Specialized in live visuals and interactive experiences, my knowledge and ideas are used both in art and commercial projects. "
> Maison du canal (2006).
Queen's University. Kingston, Canada.

François Quevillon: Defrost.
Quevillon François. Video and interaction.
> Dérive (2012).
> Defrost (2001)
Quinn Betty.
Interaction designer
> Enlightenment (2016), by Birce
Ozkan and Betty Quinn. An EEG (Electroencephalograph) headset controls
the wings flapping of a butterfly.
Quinn Bradley
- Textile Futures. Fashion, design and technology. Oxford, Berg,
Quinn Marc. Bio-art
> Sir John Sulston: A Genomic Portrait (2001). Cited by [Reichle
Quintana Jerilee. Galerie Charlot. Communication specialiste, years 2010.
Quintana Carlo Sanchez
> Melomics (2013). A generative music composer, by Carlos Sánchez Quintana, Francisco Moreno Arcas, David Albarracín Molina, Jose David Fernández Rodríguez, Francisco J. Vico. University of Malaga. See the scientific paper in AI Magaziine.
Quintanilla Grace.
Vice-Versa (1999) "Presenting the Past, the Present, and the Depths of Roberto and Chelo cobo". Notably for her usage of morphing. [Murray].
Quintrand Paul.
< La CAO en architecture. Paul Quintrand ed. Hermes 1985.
Quinz Emanuele.
[Jouable]. Labex.
> Behaviors (2014). Project.
Quistrebert Florian and Michael
. ENSBA Nantes.
> Stripes5 (2017), award winner at Amsterdam
Light Festival

Remi Quittard: an image from an animation film using his tools.
Quittard Rémi.
Personal site.
> SCP Camera. by Xavier Gouchet, Rémi Quittard and Nicolas Serikoff. ACM Siggraph 2007 Emerging Technologies. On line at ACM library.
Qvortrup L.
< Virtual space. The spatiality of virtual inhabited 3D world. L. Qvortrup L. (ed.) Springer

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