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Perconte : Conches.

Moving Images

Moving Image New York, February 27 - March 2, 2017

Galerie Charlot will be present with a work by Jacques Perconte

More info here . Among the artists, several are digital, for instance Casey Reas, one of the founders of the Processing language, and Jacques Perconte (presented by Galerie Charlot) with his work Conches.

Conches is a naturalistic journey towards abstraction, playing with the reflection of the Automne sky on the water of Garenne Canal (South-West of France).
Through reverse engineering and expert manipulation of the encoding and storage technologies of digital video, Jacques Perconte crafts magical landscapes as colorful fairytales.
Following the current, the whole landscape is transformed pixel by pixel at the rhythm of the compression’s vibrations. The trees surrounding the canals change their colors, everything merge and sometimes disappear.
On the quiet water, the image enchants us and reveals the environment as if we could see its inner side composing shapes and shades.





PAS Algoristes

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