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Feat at Ars Electronica

Sept. 9, 2017. Linz. More info

Artists and scientists collaborating, what works and what not – a conversation.

What can be created together when artists are invited to work in techno-scientific environments such as High Performance Computing (HPC), quantum physics, genetic research and genome editing? What are the kinds of questions that are asked when artists and scientists meet in laboratories, studios, offices or university canteens? What
are the best ways of communicating and in what ways can productive misunderstandings between artists and scientists lead to interesting new raw materials and forms of
inspiration for artists and scientists?

Future Emerging Arts & Technologies is a project where six artists were given a nine month period to work in the inner laboratories of EU funded Future Emerging echnologies (FET) programmes, ranging from quantum physics, nuclear clocks and high performance computing to gene regulation, carbon capture and underwater robots.

During this panel we will discuss, what happened during these collaborations and how the artists and scientists communicated. We will discuss the issues and challenges that impacted the collaborations and why they proved to be so significant for all involved. Including all the fruitfull 'mistakes', misunderstandings, miscommuncations as well as
the synergies.

Panelists include: Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand, Anna Dumitriu, Spela Petric and Miha Tursic, Claudia Schnugg, Ingeborg Reichle, Erich Prem, Lucas Evers, and Mark Coeckelbergh.


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