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Procreation: a controlled mankind...

Has been transferres in What do we really want ?

Every year, Mankind defines its demographic strategy for the year to come, taking into account:
- state of Earth resources
- kind or risks accepted
- specific aims for the year.

These objectives are then distributed into continents, countries,regions.

Inside each region, the strategy will be applied by the groups, famliles and individuals accordint to their situation, ethics, desires.

For each procreation, there is a wide choice of processes, between two extremes:

- the most traditional process, with a man and a woman procreating through an intercourse, a pregnancy by the woman and a delivery at home without any external intervention; this would be authorized, with a minimym of external controls, a first one to be sure that both the genomes of father and mother have no serious deficiencies and are compatible, a second one as soon as the DNA of the embryo can be safely decoded, to enssure that the child has good hope to be sound and safe;

- the most "design" process, with a deliberate genetic construcion ot a new genome, combining as many sources as considered useful, in order to create chils as good as possible, for himself as well as for the society.

Each year, the resutls of this strategy is assessed and gives a base for the next years cycles.